
IHIA has asked for suggestions for speakers and I have been remiss in not suggesting Sheldon Bornstein. Sheldon is a FANTASTIC artist with very unique talents. For example, often specifics of a wound are important but the actual wound is surrounded by so much gory stuff the courts are reluctant to put photos into evidence. So, you end up with a sketch drawn by the pathologist, usually looking like a doctor’s handwriting. Sheldon solves the problem. Through his artistic ability he can draw the body or body part and put the wound in place. I mean the actual wound from the photo. He illustrates crime scenes, traffic collisions and everything else with complete accuracy and 100% admissible as it is taken from the crime scene reports and photos. He is amazing. Universities in California fly him in to teach their classes. I have threatened to use Sheldon in three of my murder cases. After showing defense counsel his work he has done on other cases, all pled to murder.
This is another aspect of the investigation process that is seldom used but is incredibly helpful. I could go on and on about his artistic ability but would rather let you contact him if you are interested.
By the way, he is law enforcement family. His daughter and his son-in-law are both cops with LAPD (that Los Angeles Police Department for those of you on the east coast)
I don’t believe you have had any presentation by a person like Sheldon. He is good people and has unique talents. He does this because he loves law enforcement.
Just a thought. This is not a solicited request but something I know can play well in court. I have included him on this email so you can talk directly to him and I will dop out. God bless and keep you and all IHIA safe and secure.
Jim Yontz
Rod – I wanted to thank you for getting the draft drawings out to me so quickly. Although it may not have come across the phone as me being too excited about this work, I think these depictions have the potential to be a real game changer for us. I just have to digest the information, process it and run it through the “defense” side of my brain and tear them apart with our team before being able to accept it. I look forward to working with you and Sheldon on this as well as Dr. Groben and my team. Thank you.
Jim J. Thomas
Blaine County Prosecuting Attorney
My Dear Fellow SHMers,
Please join me in congratulating Professor Sheldon Borenstein on his recently announced retirement from San Jose State University at the end of this semester. For those of us with Cal State Cool running through our veins, the idea of not having Sheldon with us every Friday will be hard to imagine. Professor Borenstein has been so valuable to us, that he is the only faculty member in the CSU that has been flown in from Southern California every week for the last twenty-three years. For over two decades, he has been getting up before dawn on Fridays, putting in twelve-hour days, and getting home late in the evenings.
Professor Borenstein is one of the main reasons we are as successful as we are today. He single handedly brought the level of drawing in our program to new heights. He’s the reason we all hear GCAT echoing in our sleep. And he’s the only drawing instructor that can draw as proficiently with a candy bar as he does a fountain pen.
Sheldon will continue to focus on building his personal school; mentoring students to reach their goals and dreams, just as he has been doing with us since animation was introduced at SJSU.
Although we can’t hold a retirement event because of restrictions, we definitely encourage you to reach out to him through email and send your warm wishes to sheldon419@sbcglobal.net
Thank you, Professor Borenstein, for your decades of tutelage and service to our students.
Dave Chai
Program Coordinator
SJSU Animation/Illustration
Dear Mr. Borenstein,
thank you for everything you’ve done for your students. You are an amazing teacher and artist and you have just brought back my will for life. I just started listening your classes at NMA and it completely changed my perspective. I cannot thank you enough for sharing all your knowledge with us, your students. I am truly amazed and touched.
I send you greetings from Berlin.
Best, Kate.